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  • Entspannungstechniken | PURA well-being

    Relaxation techniques Don't let yourself be stressed anymore! Learn autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation. Learn to understand what stress is, where it comes from, and how it affects you. The aim of these courses is to be able to use relaxation techniques effectively at home and anywhere you want. Please contact me by phone or e-mail, if you are interested to learn in relaxation techniques Autogenic training (AI) is a relaxation process that was developed by neurologist Johannes Schultz in Berlin in the 1930s. AI is a self-relaxation method that should help you regain more calm in stressful phases of life. You mentally focus on a certain body reaction and this actually occurs. AI is a kind of self-hypnosis. The autonomic nervous system is controlled with the power of thought. With the help of certain auto-suggestive formulas, for example “I am very calm” (coping with stress) or “My body is very heavy” (muscle relaxation), it is possible to relax the corresponding parts of the body and calm the nervous system. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) was also developed in the 1930s by the American scientist and psychologist Edmund Jacobson. After his back pain got worse and no doctor could help him, he found out in self-experiments that he could alleviate his symptoms by actively tensing and relaxing certain muscle areas. And so you too will gradually learn to perceive and relax all the important muscle functions of the body. The basic principle of PMR is to deliberately tense individual muscle groups one after the other for a few seconds and then relax for significantly longer. This way you get to know your body better and to differentiate between tension and relaxation. All relaxation techniques can also increase anxiety in people with anxiety. Tingling in the fingers, hyperventilation (muscle twitching and palpitations) may occur. The blood pressure can drop further. Asthma symptoms may increase during relaxation exercises. Please clarify with your doctor in advance whether PMR or AI is suitable for you.

  • Über mich | PURA well-being

    Hello! I'm Michaela Wochner and with PURA well-being I have fulfilled my dream of having my own wellness studio. A studio for peace and relaxation. After working as secretary, assistant and tour guide for various international companies over the past 25 years, I decided at the beginning of 2020 to start all over again in my professional life. The reason for this was, among other things, a reorganization of my former employer, during which my job was made redundant, and the sentence from a recruiter who said that I was not the youngest anymore... ​ That got me thinking. And at some point it was clear to me that I no longer wanted to be part in the rat race, but wanted to set up a business on my own. The fact that I lost my job turned out to be great luck pretty quickly. ​ After the basis Ayurveda therapist training at Ayurveda Campus in Schwerin, I started my training with Hildegard Geiger at the Landesschule for Natural Cosmetics in Munich to become a natural beautician and Ayurveda masseur. Furthermore I am got certified as a relaxation trainer for various relaxation techniques at TaoHealth in Berlin and I am an Hatha Yoga teacher (200h AYA WAY) as well as a teacher for senior yoga, done at AHAB Academy. In 2023 I finished my training to become an 'Ayurvedic nutrician coach'. ​ The training time was very enriching and I was able to gain a lot of valuable experience. Despite Covid, I got to know many great people, who will continue to accompany me and who will hopefully also be guests in Luxembourg one day. My horizon have expanded enormously and I won't run out of learning material until I'm old. I think that's a nice idea. Sharing this knowledge and this idea with you makes me happy and satisfied. ​ Sharing my knowledge with you and the idea that the world is open to me and also to you makes me happy and satisfied. ​ I wish you happiness, satisfaction and good health, too! Everything is in your hands... ​ Or as Jean-Jacques Rousseau says ​ "The greatest pleasure consists in being satisfied with oneself". ​ Yours, Michaela ​ ​ ​

  • Ayurvedische Massagen | PURA well-being

    Do something good for your body ... ... with an Ayurvedic relaxation massage. You can find all here (please click on orange logo) Ayurveda has the task of stimulating the self-healing powers of people and making them flow. With selected massages, it offers the excellent opportunity to bring the body milieu back into balance and to thoroughly eliminate harmful waste products. Your body loosens, detoxifies, cleanses and soothes itself through balancing touches. All senses are addressed with an Ayurveda massage, so that you can relax deeply and leave everyday life behind you. Muscles are relaxed, your tissue regenerates and you come into a balanced, peaceful state. “The” Ayurvedic massage does not exist. There are various Ayurvedic massages and massage techniques. I learned the Kalari massage from South India. This massage technique arose from the very old Indian martial art called Kalarippayatt. With the Kalari massage technique, energy channels (nadis) and vital points (marmas), which are distributed over the whole body, are activated. Through this massage, the doshas, ​​body channels (shrotas) and the energy centers (chakras) can be positively influenced and harmonized. Prana (your life energy) will flow again. An Abhyanga (oil massage) cleanses, nourishes and protects the skin. It relaxes and strengthens the muscles, stimulates the circulation and blood circulation, strengthens the digestive power, relieves restlessness and insomnia, harmonizes the doshas and makes you look younger. An important factor in the oil massage is to convey a sense of wellbeing. This connects our body, mind and soul. There are heating and activating oils as well as nourishing and cooling oils. Depending on your constitution type, I will choose the right oil for you. Therapeutic oils are fortified with active plant ingredients. All oils are used slightly warmed. In the case of general weakness, fever, menstruation, constipation, pregnancy up to the end of the 6th month, high blood pressure and acute inflammation, oil treatment should be avoided. My massages are no medical measures nor an erotic massages. If you have chronic or long-lasting symptoms, please talk to your doctor.

  • News | PURA well-being

    Auf das, was da noch kommt... Wim Hof Methode Workshops mit Dominique Vermeulen, Level 2 Trainerin Klicke auf die Flyer für alle Infos :) September 28 & 29, 2024 Workshopdauer: 4 Std.

  • Lotti the 8th and FrauMamma | PURA well-being

    Hello, ​ This is Lotti the 8th. ​ Well, actually it's me WITH Lotti the 8th. ​ I have given this name to my tumour in my right breast, which was diagnosed in January 2023. ​ PURA well-being was closed from February to May. I completely concentrated on the therapy and on my healing process. ​ With Lotti the 8th, I was one of about 400 women and men diagnosed with breast cancer in Luxembourg every year. Despite the cancer diagnosis, I never felt sick. I had much more the feeling that Lotti the 8th wanted to tell me something. Is there an imbalance in my current lifestyle? Are there physical blockages in me? ​ Many questions popped up during the time of the treatment and I got involved with these questions. Did my trainings and ayurvedic nutricion help me to go through this time? I think so. ​ There was a time when I thought a lot and had worries, tears were running: I let it happen. You just don't perceive such a diagnosis like a flu that will disappear at some point. Cancer changes your life. ​ I have been given a new life. Michaela 2.0. ​ I would like to encourage women and men with breast cancer (current or past) to listen to your body feeling, your gut feeling. During my treatment period I longed for massages. After the surgery scars healed well, nothing stopped me from massages. ​ They can give you so much: A sense of well-being at a time when you often don't feel at ease. Calmness, for the body, but also for the head and the thoughts. Touch is so important for your mood. Believe me, it will get better. And even if your body has changed through the treatments: You can give it touch. Your sleep will be better after a massage and it can reduce fatigue. ​ You can allow yourself to think not only about your illness. But also simply about you and your superpower within you. I trust conventional medicine, but I am convinced that healing is within each of us. I firmly believe in that. I am happy if my words have whetted your appetite for a massage and you are welcome to join me! ​ Trust yourself and your body! All the best, ​ Michaela PS: Together with 'FrauMamma' I am planning a Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat for breast cancer women in March 2024 at Hessemillen in Luxembourg. More info soon! Would you like to meet FrauMamma, please click here ​ Hier geht es zu Frau Mamma

  • Hotel Gruber - my neighbour | PURA well-being

    Welcome to the Hotel Gruber Combine one or more massages with a stay in Luxembourg? ​ Have a look here.... In the midst of a beautiful green landscape, embedded in the Sauertal and neighbour of PURA well-being In the hikeable Müllerthal with its Mullerthal Trail and in the immediate vicinity of the historically significant town of Echternach, the Hotel Gruber has been inviting its guests for a stopover or a longer stay in a cozy and family atmosphere for 3 generations. Enjoy traditional regional cuisine rounded off with a good glass of Luxembourg Moselle wine. Just arrive and feel at home. Unser Angebot Wellness für Körper und Gaumen

  • Mamma Karma Om Retreat | PURA well-being

    Unser Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in der Hessemillen speziell für Frauen mit Brustkrebs-erfahung Carmen und ich hatten Brustkrebs. Uns geht es gut damit. Und Dir? ​ Im März 2024 fand unser erster gemeinsamer Ayurveda & Yoga-Retreat in der wunderschönen Hessemillen im Herzen der Luxemburger Kleinen Schweiz statt. ​ Die Teilnehmerinnen erfreuten sich über speziell auf ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Yogaunterricht, bekamen eine Einführung in das 1x1 der ayurvedischen Ernährung und ayurvedischer Schleimhautpflege. Sie erlernten die S elbstmassage und fanden Ruhe bei verschiedenen Atemtechniken, Meditationen & Achtsamkeitsübungen. ​ Bekocht wurden sie abwechselnd von Carmen und mir mit leckerer ayurvedischer Ernährung (vegetarisch/vegan). Höhepunkt am Sonntag war der gemeinsame Ayurveda Kochkurs. ​ Auf Instagram findest Du unser Video zum Retreat: ​ ​ Falls auch Du mal Lust auf ein Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat für Frauen mit und nach Brustkrebs hast, melde Dich gerne bei mir. Hier geht's zum Video Anmeldung zum Retreat Mamma Karma Om Yoga & Ayurveda 15. - 17.03.2024 Vorname Nachname Email Wann war Deine Brustkrebsdiagnose? Deine Nachricht an mich Submit Danke für Deine Kontaktaufnahme! Ich melde mich umgehend bei Dir!

  • Ayurvedan nutrition | PURA well-being

    Regain lightness through a balanced diet or How your digestion learns to run again at full speed. ​ Ayurvedic nutritional counselling is about so much more than just food. Learn to listen and respond to your body's needs. ​ My consultation will be completely tailored to you. Because you are unique! ​ In a free consultation by phone (max. 20 minutes) I will get to know you and your wishes and explain to you how you can gently change your body image in the long term. ​ Sometimes small nutrition changes can work wonders. ​ Are you curious? Then register for a free consultation via Salonkee. ​ Kostenloses Infogespräch buchen Please indicate existing health impairments or illnesses or an existing pregnancy when registering. In the case of serious illnesses, hip / knee problems, increased blood pressure or intervertebral disc problems, participation is generally only possible with the express permission of the attending physician.

  • Ayurveda | Pura Well-being | Steinheim

    Ayurveda meets Mullerthal Ayubowan* and welcome to PURA well-being, your well-being studio in Steinheim at the old Spillschoul (kindergarden) in the heart of the Luxembourgish Mullerthal. Pura stands for pure, clean, unclouded and for the purity of nature. Pura means temple in Indonesian. My goal is to promote and improve your physical and mental well-being with Ayurvedic massages and treatments as well as with various relaxation techniques, hatha yoga and senior yoga. ​ My massages will give you inner peace, strengthen your nerves, take away fatigue and improve your sleep, strengthen your immune system and bring you back into balance. And they rejuvenate you. I use high quality, biological products and oils without mineral oils, parabens, chemically synthetic emulsifiers, color, fragrance, preservatives and additives, without silicone or microplastics and without animal testing. Just PURA ... ​ Be the owner of your well-being! I am happy to assist you and look forward meeting you. ​ Yours, Michaela ​ ​ PS: All massages can be booked via ​ ​ ​ Please give me a call if you have questions on yoga and relaxation techniques (answering machine, I'll call you back) or send me an e-mail: ​ *In Sri Lanka people greet and say goodbye with 'Ayubowan', which means 'May you have a long and happy life'. PURA well-being: Willkommen "The one day that can change everything in life starts new every morning." PURA well-being Bring your body, mind and soul back into balance. +352 621 488247 Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Blog Hallo Ayurveda | PURA well-being

    All Posts No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Der Blog rund um Ayurveda, Entspannung und Achtsamkeit

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