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Regain lightness through a balanced diet
How your digestion learns to run again at full speed.

Ayurvedic nutritional counselling is about so much more than just food.


Learn to listen and respond to your body's needs.

My consultation will be completely tailored to you. Because you are unique!

In a free consultation by phone (max. 20 minutes) I will get to know you and your wishes and explain to you how you can gently change your body image in the long term. 

Sometimes small nutrition changes can work wonders.

Are you curious? Then register for a free consultation via Salonkee.

Ayurvedische Ernährungsberatung Ablauf

Please indicate existing health impairments or illnesses or an existing pregnancy when registering.

In the case of serious illnesses, hip / knee problems, increased blood pressure or intervertebral disc problems, participation is generally only possible with the express permission of the attending physician.

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